Annual Meetings

The 2R2Ps for Sustainable Peace Initiative was officially launched on 12 December 2019 in a public meeting hosted by Hacettepe University in Ankara, Türkiye. This meeting, which was entitled “The Interrelation between the Right to Peace and the Responsibility to Protect: The path towards ‘peace, justice and stronger institutions” was co-organized by the Embassy of Costa Rica, Hacettepe University and the University for Peace and realized with the participation of representatives of various UN agencies, diplomatic missions as well as academics and students.
Due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the following restrictions a face-to-face meeting could not be possible. The second meeting of the Initiative was held on 17 December 2021 at the UN Headquarters in Ankara, Türkiye.  This roundtable, which was entitled “Achieving peace through the Agenda for Sustainable Development” was co-convened by the partners of the Initiative, namely the Embassy of Costa Rica, Hacettepe University and the University for Peace,  and in collaboration with the Spanish Embassy in Ankara and the UN agencies in Türkiye.
For the recordings and photos of the meetings, please see below.
For the meeting reports, please see “Reports“.

17 December 2021 Event – Roundtable: “Achieving peace through the Agenda for Sustainable Development”

The second meeting of the 2R2Ps for Sustainable Peace initiative took place on 17 December 2021 at the United Nations premises in Ankara, Turkey. The roundtable was moderated by the Ambassador of the Republic of Costa Rica in Turkey, H.E. Gustavo Campos Fallas. The speakers of the roundtable (in order of appearance) were H. E. Ramón Blecua, Ambassador at Large Mediation and Intercultural Dialogue, Director General for United Nations, International Organizations and Human Rights – the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain; H. E. Mr David Fernandez Puyana, Ambassador, Permanent Observer of the United Nations University for Peace; and Assoc. Prof. Dr. Pınar Gözen Ercan, Head of the Public International Law Branch , Department of International Relations, Faculty of Economic and Administrative Sciences, Hacettepe University.

12 December 2019 Event – 2R2Ps for Sustainable Peace Initiative Launch

The first public event of the 2R2Ps for Sustainable Peace initiative took place on 12 December 2019 at Hacettepe University, in Ankara, Turkey. The initiative was launched with a panel discussion with the participation of the United Nations representatives and diplomatic missions in Turkey.

Photos from the 2019 Event

Photos from the 2021 Event